Helping Your Business Understand and Reduce its Climate Impact

Environmental impact reduction starts with carbon literacy. From Fashion’s footprint to legislative compliance, and from AI to industry masterclasses, our Insights leverage Vaayu’s specialized knowledge in LCA, sustainability, law and retail. This expertise offers a distinct perspective on the industry’s influence over the environment, global consumers and your stakeholders, providing a comprehensive view of this unique intersection in climate management.

Our  Values



La Terre est notre protagoniste - sa protection est au centre de tout ce que nous faisons.


Le changement climatique nous concerne tous, et en travaillant en collaboration, nous savons que nous pouvons faire la différence dans le commerce de détail et au-delà.


Nous partageons ce sur quoi nous travaillons, nous sommes ouverts aux défis et nous construisons un écosystème qui crée le changement.

How Vaayu Helps with
Your Reduction Journey

Environmental impact reduction starts with carbon literacy. From Fashion’s footprint to legislative compliance, and from AI to industry masterclasses, our Insights leverage Vaayu’s specialized knowledge in LCA, sustainability, law and retail. This expertise offers a distinct perspective on the industry’s influence over the environment, global consumers and your stakeholders, providing a comprehensive view of this unique intersection in climate management.

Regulatory Compliance
Retail Industry
AI & Technology
Climate Science
Footprinting & LCA

Our Editorial Team

Our Insights turn complex environmental information into simple, science-based stories, helping retail businesses drive meaningful change and adopt sustainable practices. Here’s how.

Editorial Guidelines

1. Science-led — What Vaayu does best, focusing on the facts with each Insight backed by expert analysis and decades of experience.

2. Credible Ensuring only the most trustworthy of data is included, with quality assurance written into the DNA of Vaayu.

3. Robust — Drawing from the best climate and industry research, including our own in-house, and the industry’s most trusted and robust literature and databases.

4. People-first — Delivering compelling, data-driven content that resonates with you, reflecting your customers and stakeholders engagement too.

5. Honest — One of Vaayu’s values, providing transparency about our methodologies to foster trust and informed decision-making.

Get in Touch

Whether you have questions, feedback, or want to share your own experiences from your journey to lower impact, Vaayu’s team loves to hear from you.

What does Vaayu do?

Vaayu is the world’s first automated software empowering brands and businesses within the retail ecosystem to track and cut their carbon and environmental impact in real-time. With in-house expertise across tech, climate, LCA, law, retail and communications, we’re writing Insights based on reliable sources, our expertise and our experience with partners to educate our audiences and supercharge reductions in the industry.

How does Vaayu help partners to power reductions?

Vaayu’s proprietary AI-powered climate tech enables scenario modeling, target setting and tracking, and the identification of carbon and other impact hotspots for targeted reductions, among many other features and tools purpose-built to solve your specific challenges.

How does Vaayu ensure the quality of its LCA calculations?

We’re proud that our robust analysis is a direct result of Vaayu’s in-house expertise, the granular primary data collected from our partners backed by quality research including the best literature and databases, and a commitment to provide Accuracy Scores as standard per every calculation.

Can I contribute to Vaayu’s Insights or get involved at all?

Vaayu does not offer paid opportunities, but we are always happy to feature industry voices, share insights from our amazing partners and hear your feedback. Contact us at press@vaayu with your idea and our team will work hard to cover it.

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